Welcome to The Sky This Week

A mostly-astronomy site by David Oesper.

Recent Journal Entries








Planet Visibility

Event times for
Dodgeville, WI
42°58' N
90°09' W



Hubble Heritage

Aurora Photos

Comet Photos

Lunar Photos



Building a
Better World

Dark Skies / Time Travel for December 2021

Dark Skies / Time Travel for November 2021

Today's Sun: White Light   

Spaceweather   Solar Eclipse Explorer   Lunar Eclipse Explorer

Satellites: when and where to look for Earth-orbiting satellites from any location!

Weather Forecast for Tucson, Arizona    Hourly    Graphical Forecasts

Tucson Clear Sky Chart   SkippySky   Clear Outside   Seeing   Astrospheric

GOES-16 Weather Satellite Images
Visible (True Color - Stretched RGB)   Shortwave IR (3.9 μm)

Visible Satellite Loop
(automated / do it yourself)

Infrared Satellite Loop
(automated / do it yourself)   Central & Southern Arizona

National Map of Weather Warnings, Watches, and Advisories

Arizona Regional Weather Radar  Pima County Air Quality

Dew Point Map  Temps  Snow Cover   Drought Monitor  Air Quality  Wind

Mirador Astronomy Village

Fireball Reports

Aurora Kp Index   Aurora Forecast

Light Pollution Resources   Asteroid Occultations

CCD Photometry   Eclipsing Binaries - EBs Tonight - Asteroids

Blogs: S&T  - Emily Lakdawalla  - Rod Mollise  - The Ketelsens

Journal of Double Star Observations

Current Comets   Comet Observation Database


Mars 2020 Perseverance   Mars InSight    Mars Curiosity Rover

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter    Mars Express    Mars Odyssey   

Dawn at Ceres    New Horizons at TNO 486958 2014 MU69

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter    Gaia

Join the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association!

Current Research

Name That Moon    Moon Explorer    Google Mars

The Calculating Astronomer    SAS

Astronomical Lists

Gegenschein (Counterglow) Position

If you live in a small, rural community,
here's a great economic development idea

Constellation Tutorial    Voyager 4.5 Enhancements

Astronomy & Space Art Gallery

Atlas of Lunar Maria   Lunar Photo of the Day

Music    Poetry    Ideas     TZ    ST    ST:TNG

Biographical Information   Photo   Inspiration

"Some people are molded by their admirations, others by their hostilities."
- Elizabeth Bowen (1899-1973)

Comments? Questions? Suggestions? Contact David Oesper.