Astronomy Videos

Asteroid 2009 DO111 Flyby of Earth

3/20/09  3:59:13 - 4:00:48 UT

1s exposures; 21' x 14' field

SBIG ST-402ME, Meade 10" LX6 SCT f/3.3

Asteroid 2009 DO111 Flyby of Earth

3/20/09  4:03:19 - 4:07:16 UT

1s exposures; 21' x 14' field

SBIG ST-402ME, Meade 10" LX6 SCT f/3.3

Asteroid 2009 DO111 Flyby of Earth

3/20/09  4:09:46 - 4:14:56 UT

30s exposures; 21' x 14' field

SBIG ST-402ME, Meade 10" LX6 SCT f/3.3

Asteroid 2009DO111 passed 287,100 miles (1.1 LD)

directly above the Arctic Ocean, NW of Alaska, at 4:12 UT on 3/20/09.

In the three movies, note the short-period (~1m),

high-amplitude brightness variations!

Asteroid 2007 TU24 Flyby of Earth

1/29/08  7:43:15 - 7:52:48 UT

1s exposures; 41' x 27' field

SBIG ST-402ME, Orion ED80 f/7.5

Imaged by David Oesper & John Wunderlin

Asteroid 2007 TU24 Flyby of Earth

1/29/08  7:54:36 - 8:07:32 UT

30s exposures; 41' x 27' field

SBIG ST-402ME, Orion ED80 f/7.5

Imaged by David Oesper & John Wunderlin

Pluto's Motion (Retrograde)

7/16/06  4:35:49 - 4:36:18 UT

7/17/06  3:54:06 - 3:55:19 UT

Exposures: 5s (13 x 5s)

SBIG ST-402ME 14' x 13' field

Meade 10" LX6 SCT f/3.3

Aurora 11/10/06 0126-0312 UT

Governor Dodge State Park

Near Dodgeville, Wisconsin

Perseid 8/12/04, 8:21 UT

Where: Morrill County, Nebraska

Magnitude: -4m

Two Geosynchronous Satellites

HA = -0h11m, DEC = -6°34'50" (2000)

Date: 12/24/03, 7:48 - 7:52 UT

Where: Erwin W. Fick Observatory near Moingona, Iowa

Telescope: 100 mm f/5 refractor

Field Size: 1.5° x 1.5°

Filter: Visual (V)

Exposure: 1 minute, tracking turned off, 2 images

Two Geosynchronous Satellites & Near-Geosynchronous Satellite

Meridian, DEC = -6°34'50" (2000)

Date: 12/24/03, 8:13 - 8:18 UT

Where: Erwin W. Fick Observatory near Moingona, Iowa

Telescope: 100 mm f/5 refractor

Field Size: 1.5° x 1.5°

Filter: Visual (V)

Exposure: 1 minute, tracking turned off, 2 images

Two Geosynchronous Satellites

Meridian, DEC = -6° (2000)

Date: 12/24/03, 8:43 - 8:47 UT

Where: Erwin W. Fick Observatory near Moingona, Iowa

Telescope: 100 mm f/5 refractor

Field Size: 1.5° x 1.5°

Filter: Visual (V)

Exposure: 1 minute, tracking turned off, 4 images

One Geosynchronous Satellite & Near-Geosynchronous Tumbling Satellite

Meridian, DEC = -7° (2000)

Date: 12/24/03, 8:50 - 8:54 UT

Where: Erwin W. Fick Observatory near Moingona, Iowa

Telescope: 100 mm f/5 refractor

Field Size: 1.5° x 1.5°

Filter: Visual (V)

Exposure: 1 minute, tracking turned off, 4 images

Unless otherwise noted, all videos created by David Oesper