- Renters and Floodplains
- Landlords should be required by federal law to notify their prospective tenants prior to lease signing if the property they are renting is in a designated floodplain. If so, the landlord
should also be required to notify the tenant that they should purchase flood insurance to protect their belongings. If the lessor is paying for flood insurance, than they must advise the
lessee to do the same. If you purchase a home that is in a floodplain, your mortgage company will require that you have flood insurance. Why don't renters have the same protection?
- Airastro
- Following the example of Airbnb, the astronomy community should develop a network of observing sites across the U.S. where one can make (often last minute, due to clouds) arrangements
to observe meteor showers, eclipses, and other important celestial events at an astronomy- and astronomer-friendly location.
- Noise-Cancelling Ear Muff for Sleeping
- Do you sometimes go to bed later than your partner, and have trouble getting to sleep because they are snoring when your head hits the pillow? Are you a stomach or side sleeper?
Hate using earplugs? Someone needs to invent a ear muff or ear cup that comfortably fits over just one ear while your other ear is pressed against the pillow. There would need to be
a comfortable strap to hold the ear muff onto your head for the first part of the night. The ear muff needs to block as much room noise as possible, and there could even be
noise-canceling circuitry and/or a white noise generator that could be switched on if needed and powered by a small battery built in to the ear muff. Such a single ear muff with strap
for front and side sleepers would help many get to sleep faster!
- Educational Courses, Documentaries, and Films
- There are a lot of The Great Courses I'd like to sample and view, but streaming them as a rental (similar to Netflix) is not an option.
Rental could be set up as a more affordable choice for many and, I should think, greatly increase their customer base. And, while we're on the topic of educational videos, we really
need a company similar to Netflix that only focuses on educational documentaries and films. Also needed is a service that chooses only the highest quality educational content
on YouTube and organizes it by subject area for easy retrieval.
- Seven Day a Week Service for Amtrak's Sunset Limited
- The only passenger train service connecting Los Angeles, Tucson, El Paso, San Antonio, Houston, and New Orleans operates only 3 days a week. Why not 7? Ridership, which
goes up every year, would skyrocket if seven-day-a-week service were available, I'm sure. Why not do it? As it now stands, the schedule is more often inconvenient than not.
- Turnkey Asteroid Occultation System
- With the advent of inexpensive lightweight and extremely sensitive video cameras and equipment to GPS-time-stamp each video frame, asteroid occultation studies have received
a much-needed boost in recent years. But there are not nearly enough observers to fully realize the scientific potential from these events. The biggest hurdle, in my opinion,
is the difficulty in assembling the necessary hardware, software, and expertise. There is a fine organization dedicated to occultation studies: the International Occultation
Timing Association (IOTA). What a valuable project it would be for IOTA (of which I am a member) to take on—assembling turnkey asteroid occultation systems and selling them
at cost. This is yet another astronomy project I've added to my "to do" list when I retire!
- Please Add NASA TV to Houston's Broadcast Television Stations
- Houston is known as "Space City" for good reason, so why isn't NASA TV included among the other two dozen or so stations that anyone in the Houston metro area can pick up with
nothing more than a pair of "rabbit ears" and a television set? How much would it cost annually to broadcast NASA TV locally? I'm sure a small group of benefactors could fund it.
- Please Be True
- If I could start a rock and roll band, I would name it Please Be True. It is no secret I'm a huge fan of The Beatles, and Paul McCartney in particular. Their music was/is
positive, upbeat, optimistic, fun—in love with life. I would strive for the same.
- Internet Polling Site
- An internet polling site should be developed by a non-profit non-partisan organization which would feature a different question every day. To vote, you would need to be
registered on the site, and only one vote per person per question would be allowed. Participants would be able to submit their own questions and answers for consideration,
as well as comments on the wording or choices offered for each daily question. No personally identifiable information should ever be released by the organization to any entity.
It ought to be possible to sample the polling results (given that the participants also submit profile information, in general and for the question) to derive scientifically valid
conclusions in addition to the raw voting results.
- LED Night Light
- Requirements: 50,000+ hour white LED, color temperature no bluer than 3000 K, diffuser, photocontrol, occupancy sensor, dimmer, plugs into AC outlet. I (and probably
many others) would gladly pay $25 or $30 for a warm-white (not blue!) diffuse-light night light that will last at least 10 years, plugs into a wall outlet, and is activated by
an occupancy sensor only when the room is dark (i.e. dusk to dawn). A very important built-in feature of this night light will be adjustable brightness, from very dim to full
brightness. Night lights are for bathrooms, not bedrooms! For your health, the room you sleep in should be kept as dark as possible.
- Yellow LED Night Light
- Every LED night light I've seen produces light that is too blue. Simple solution for you manufacturers out there: use a yellow LED instead of a "white" LED. A yellow LED
is easier on the eyes, and provides a more pleasing illumination that the harsh blue-white LEDs. I know, because I've been using a yellow LED flashlight for years!
- Infrared Dwarf Stars
- "Brown dwarfs" are low mass stars unable to sustain stable hydrogen fusion in their cores. Even the hottest of these stars have surface temperatures below
5000°F. As such, all brown dwarfs emit most of their light in the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, rather than at visible
wavelengths. I think "infrared dwarf" is a more accurate and descriptive term than "brown dwarf".
- Ejection Nebulae
- And, while we're on the subject of imprecise astronomical terminology, I'd also like to suggest that the term "planetary nebula" be replaced with
the more accurate—though perhaps less poetic—term "ejection nebula".
- Tracking Dobsonian
- Wanted: a regular Dobsonian telescope that has the added capability of being able to track objects well enough for visual work
after doing a simple two-star alignment. You would need to have encoders and motors on both the altitude and azimuth axes, but the accuracy
required for tracking reasonably well is not nearly as demanding as what a go-to telescope would need. In other words, you would
point the telescope using a Telrad or red-dot finder the old-fashioned way (how quaint), but once you've found your object and let
go of the telescope, the motors would track on the object until you point the telescope somewhere else. Simple as that.
- Streaming PBS
- Remember when television was free? Now we have to pay for it, and we still have to suffer through advertisements.
I have lived (and hopefully will again someday) in a remote area of the U.S. where my trusty old "rabbit ears" can pick up nothing.
I refuse to pay for cable television or satellite TV that includes many channels, such as Fox News, that I do not want and will not support
in any way. I would be perfectly happy with just one channel: PBS. We need at least one PBS station that streams its entire broadcast
day live on the Internet, just as many public radio stations currently do.
- Internet Television
- Some of us are just too busy to have much time for television. What little I do watch is on PBS. "Basic cable" offers dozens of channels I
would never watch, and does not include others I'm interested in such as NASA TV. If you only watch an hour or two a week, it simply isn't
worth the expense. I'm holding out for Internet PPVNA Television. The PPVNA stands for "pay per view, no ads". All channels and
all programming could be made available via the Internet, and your TV would be just another wireless device in your household.
- Historical Magazines on CD-ROM or DVD-ROM
- Excellent magazines have come and gone throughout the past several hundred years, and
the time has come to start digitizing microfilm, microfiche, or printed copies of all
these magazines, and make them available at an affordable price to individuals and
institutions on CD, DVD, and via the Internet. First on my list? Popular
Astronomy, which was published from 1893 until 1951 at Carleton College in
Northfield, Minnesota, a worthy predecessor to Sky & Telescope.
- Movie about Johannes Brahms
- It is amazing to me that no one has yet made a feature-length film about the life of composer Johannes Brahms (1833-1897). A historically accurate dramatic portrayal could
easily become one of the most significant musical biographies ever made. Brahms was one of the greatest composers who ever lived, and he had an interesting life—there is much
material to draw upon for the making of this movie.
- Dark Sky Town
- A small rural town that has no streetlights, and allows only the most
environmentally-friendly outdoor lighting. Dusk-to-dawn lighting would be discouraged
and switch or motion-sensor activated lighting would be the rule. Such a town would be
very attractive to anyone who loves the night sky, and the night, as much as I do!
- Astronomy Village
- Another approach would be to form a development group, purchase at least 100 acres
of land at a dark sky site 5 to 10 road miles southeast or southwest from a small town
having all the basic amenities (like grocery store, health care, and hardware store).
Subdivide the land into 2.5 acre lots, and establish an outdoor lighting ordinance or
binding covenant that would prohibit dusk-to-dawn outdoor lighting and allow only
low-impact, environmentally-friendly outdoor lighting within the rural subdivision.
The rural subdivision would also need some legal protection from the future
encroachment of obtrusive outdoor lighting in the surrounding area.
- Night Sky Preserve
- Let's face it, no matter how much success we have in curtailing light pollution in cities
and towns, we're still going to have a better view of the night sky in sparsely populated
areas. We must take steps now to protect the night sky in the places where we have the
most to lose. Every state in the U.S. should designate an existing park or natural area as
a Night Sky Preserve and enact laws that place strong restrictions on future development,
particularly with respect to outdoor lighting.
- Dark Sky Park
- What amateur astronomer hasn't driven around trying to find a place with a good view
of the night sky and no intrusion of light pollution, only to find that rare perfect
spot fenced off and on private property? Astronomers and stargazers alike need small
public places where they can go to learn the constellations, watch meteors, or observe
the night sky with a telescope, similar to a roadside park, but not near a busy highway
or any offending lights. These dark sky parks would require very little development or
maintenance, but would need to be protected from the future encroachment of
- Nebraska Sandhills Observatory & Planetarium
- It is a bitter irony that most planetariums are located in large cities where you can
barely see any stars. I'd like to see a combination public observatory and planetarium
facility located in a rural area with a great view of the night sky, and there is no
better place in the Midwest to locate such a facility than in the Nebraska Sandhills.
Provide lodging and other activities and this would be an attractive destination where
people from all over could experience astronomy firsthand.
- Ideal Next Generation Beginner's Telescope
- Let's start with an 8" f/4.5 Newtonian in an alt-az Dobsonian mount (remember the
wonderful Coulter Odyssey?). Give it "push to" rather than go-to capability, and
motorized tracking. The next generation part? Have a built-in imaging camera that can
be moved in and out of the light path and the on-board smarts to look at the relationships
between the stars in the image to determine where the telescope is pointing. Think of
the enjoyment a beginner (or experienced astronomer) would have pointing the telescope
around the sky, finding an object of interest, and then turning a knob to take an image
and having the telescope tell them what they're pointed at! Or, alternatively, once the
telescope knows where it is pointing using the imaging technique, it could show the
observer how much to push in altitude and azimuth to reach a known object of interest.
Oh, and a built-in laser collimator would be nice, too.
- Upgrade Path for Older Meade Optical Tube Assemblies
- Meade Instruments sells some pretty impressive telescope equipment, but shame on
them for not providing any upgrade path for their older 8", 10", etc. fork-mounted
Schmidt-Cassegrain optical tube assemblies. Case in point: I have a 10" f/10 2120
(LX6), but the LX6 mount has no autoguider port for CCD autoguiding. What I would like
to do is attach my existing optical tube assembly to a new Meade fork-mount that has
autoguiding capability, but Meade requires you to buy a whole new scope. Can't afford
that. And I'm not alone. There are thousands of LX6, LX50, etc. telescopes out there just
waiting for a new lease on life. There is a missed opportunity here for some
enterprising young company to sell a lot of new telescope mounts that are completely
compatible with older optical tube assemblies, equatorial wedges, and tripod
- A Camera You Can Talk To
- Electronic devices are becoming amazingly sophisticated, and we certainly live in a world of
technological wonders. Take a high-quality digital single-lens-reflex camera, for example.
Wonderful device, amazing results, but all those little buttons and menus can intimidate and
frustrate just about everybody, especially when you need to use the camera in a different way
than you normally do. The solution? Get rid of all those buttons and menus, and install a CMS,
a Conversational Menu System. You talk to the camera and tell it what you want or ask a
question, and the camera automatically changes settings, answers your question, or asks you a
question if it needs more information before proceeding to make a change. CMS technology could
be applied to many electronic devices. I don't think it will be too many years before the most
common way we will be interacting with computers and other smart devices will be verbally.
- Heated Snowmobile Suit
- Sitting under a clear night sky contemplating the stars can be a real challenge in winter.
When the temperature drops below 20° F, it's just plain miserable! An increasing
number of amateur astronomers have backyard observatories, often equipped with
120V volt AC electrical power that can be transformed to safer 12V DC.
It would be really great if someone made an electrically-heated snowmobile suit that
plugs into a 12V DC outlet. Heated thin gloves and heated boots that plug into the
heated suit would complete the system.
- Internet News Site Without the Garbage
- As more and more of us are turning to the Internet as our primary news source, we
really are in need of a constantly-updated independent world news web site without
advertisements, without celebrity gossip, without sports, without the latest fads in
self-help. Give us a NEWS site that focuses on the issues that are really important in
the world, and cut the tabloid and entertainment material. There are other places on the
web for that sort of thing. Also, fewer opinion pieces and more factual material,
please! Present the facts as objectively as possible, and let the readers form their own
- Comments Posted After Internet News Articles are Generally Worthless
- Many internet news sites allow practically anyone to post practically anything after
news and opinion articles. Would a printed newspaper do that? Of course not! Not all
opinions have equal value, and anyone who spews hatred, ignorance, intolerance, or
treats others with disrespect should not be given a forum on a reputable news site to
spread such poison. If a news site doesn't have the decency to screen their "letters to
the editor", then they shouldn't allow the posting of comments at all.
- User-Customizable Internet News Site
- A much-improved internet news service would be a "build-your-own" news website.
Each user would select the kinds of news they are interested in seeing (topical, by
country or other geographic location, etc.), and deselect categories they never want to
see. To be effective, there should be quite a number of specific categories. In addition,
you should also be able to provide a list of keywords (names, words, and phrases) so
that news articles on those subjects (text, author, title, or source) would
automatically be retrieved. I think many people would be willing to pay a reasonable
subscription fee for this service. I know I would.
- Internet Quiz Bowl
- Finding accurate information via Google and other resources on the Internet can be as much an art as a science, and occasionally you'll find
someone who is especially good at it—a useful skill, to be sure. It would be interesting to sponsor a quiz bowl where each contestant in the
room has equal access to the Internet. Ask them a series of questions that will require particularly well-developed internet search skills, and
reward the participant who is the first to correctly answer each question.
- Rural Jobs USA
- A web service called where rural employers could post
job openings and where interested people could find career opportunities in a rural area.
This nationwide service would list only jobs in communities having a population less
than 10,000 that are not located in a metropolitan area. (By the way, I've
already reserved this domain name, so if you're interested in starting this business,
please contact me!)
- Astronomical Theodolite for Educators
- There's no better way to teach an astronomy student of any age about altitude and
azimuth then to have them use a simple astronomical theodolite with a large 360°
horizontal scale for measuring azimuths and a large 180° vertical scale
for measuring altitudes of celestial objects. Trouble is, no one manufactures such a
device. I consider the Invicta theodolite, which is made wholly of plastic and sold by
Didax here in the states, to be a prototype for a more rugged device that would attach
to a camera tripod and provide an azimuth circle locking mechanism. A sighting tube
with crosshairs would be nice, too.
- High School Physics, then Chemistry, then Biology
- All U.S. high school students should be required to take a conceptual physics &
astronomy course in 9th grade, chemistry in 10th grade, and biology in 11th grade.
Then, in 12th grade, students with a strong interest in science would take one or
more advanced science courses. This idea is from Leon Lederman, 1988 Nobel
Laureate in Physics.
- Fixing American Education
- The disparity between the student contact hours for a college teacher and for a public
school teacher is striking, as is the disparity in salary. It is oft said that you can't
solve a problem by simply throwing money at it, but in this case I beg to differ.
If the number of public school teachers were doubled, and each teacher were
given half the student contact hours they presently have, plus a pay raise, that alone
would markedly improve the quality of education in this country. There would be more
competition for teaching jobs because of improved working conditions, and teachers
would have more time to prepare and grade, and to collaborate with their colleagues to
enhance multidisciplinary connectedness in instruction.
- Start the School Day at 9:00 a.m.
- Some research indicates that children—particularly adolescents—exhibit improved
learning when the school day starts later, say, at 9:00 a.m. As an unabashed night owl
and astronomy education advocate, I'm all for that!
- Revised Comet Naming Procedure
- Now that most comets are being discovered by automated search programs, most notably
LINEAR (Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research), we need to slightly revise our
comet-naming procedure. There are far too many Comet LINEARs, creating a great
deal of confusion (and monotony), and the official designation (e.g. C/2003 K4) is too
clinical for common use, so I propose that we begin adding a number after the name such
as LINEAR 1, LINEAR 2, ..., LINEAR 54, and so on. Even better would be the IAU assigning
a one-letter or two-letter code for each prolific automated search program, followed by
a number. So the letter "L" could be assigned to the LINEAR project, with comets being
named L1, L2, ..., L54.
- Lunar Orbital Plane
- Project the Earth's equator on the sky, and you get the celestial equator. Project
the plane of the Earth's orbit upon the sky (which is also the year-round path of the Sun
around the sky), and you get the ecliptic. Project the plane of our Milky Way
Galaxy upon the sky, and you get the galactic plane. Project the plane of the
Moon's orbit upon the sky, and you get the lunar orbital plane. Can we come up
with a more succinct term for what is arguably the fourth most important celestial
plane (maybe even the third)? I suggest using the term lunatic plane, but before
you go thinking this is a crazy idea, let me add that the pronounciation is "LUNE-ATTIC".
Another idea would be to call it the selenic plane. Whatever term we decide to
use, it is indeed unfortunate that displaying this important celestial plane is not an
option in most planetarium software packages.
- Tetrachromatic Outdoor Light Source
- Is it really necessary for a "white" light source to pump out photons at nearly every
wavelength from 380 to 780 nm, as metal halide does? Our eyes are basically
tetrachromatic: maximum sensitivity for red-sensitive cones is at 570 nm,
green-sensitive cones at 535 nm, rods at 505 nm, and blue-sensitive cones at 445 nm.
Could not an efficient pseudo-white light source be constructed that would emit
virtually all of its spectral power at these four wavelengths? Astronomers would love
that, because most of the visible spectrum would be unaffected by our outdoor lighting,
and a small number of narrow spectral lines would be relatively easy to filter out.
- Motion-Sensor-Activated Outdoor Strobe Light
- A good alternative to the dusk-to-dawn insecurity light would be a strobe light that is
activated by a motion sensor. An outdoor strobe light suddenly going off in an unlit area
at night would likely scare away (even disorient) an intruder and draw immediate
attention at quite some distance.
- Parking Lot Design that Minimizes Vehicle-Pedestrian Conflict
- Large parking lots (malls, big box stores, etc.) should be designed in such a way that
as many vehicles as possible enter, traverse, and exit the parking lot away from the
store entrances. Head-in parking stalls should be used with generous aisle-widths to
minimize fender-benders and side-swipes (the downside of this, of course, is that you
have fewer parking spaces per acre). Diagonal parking stalls should not be used close to
the stores because they encourage either ingress or egress in front of the stores.
Motorists should be able to drive into the lot, park, and then exit the lot without ever
having to drive close to the store entrances where people are most likely to be
- Bi-Level LED Traffic Signals
- Incandescent traffic signals lights (red, amber, green) across the nation are being
replaced by more efficient LED ones, but have you noticed a change? The
green LED traffic signals are much too bright at night!
These green LED traffic lights create discomfort glare, and sometimes even
impair vision for motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians,
particularly in areas with a low ambient light level. Photocontrol circuitry needs to be
added to these traffic signal lights so that after dark they are operating at a lower
luminance level.
- Night Lights that Shine Only When It's Dark
- The photocontrol in your typical 4-watt night light needs to be improved so the light
only comes on when it is truly dark. As it is, these devices are prone to
shining or, worse yet, flickering when the ambient light level is low but still plenty
bright to see by. Of course, we're talking about night lights in the bathroom or kitchen.
Don't ever use one in the bedroom, not even for kids—it interferes with sleep hormones
and might actually be hazardous to your health!
- Detailed Amtrak Route Atlas
- I am an enthusiastic supporter of passenger rail, and ride Amtrak frequently. A really
handy book for rail aficionados would be an atlas containing detailed maps of all the
passenger rail lines in the U.S. The maps would show all the towns that
passenger trains roll through, as well as all the interesting landmarks (historic,
geographic, cultural, etc.) along the way.
- Pan-American Passenger Rail
- I dream of the day when we'll be able to take a passenger train from the U.S. to Mexico,
Central America, and South America, and to Alaska.
- Utility Poles Made of Recycled Materials
- Hopefully someday all utilities will be buried underground, but until that day comes why
not make utility poles out of recycled materials instead of wood?
- Restaurants Need to Serve Smaller Portions
- Obesity has become a health issue worldwide. Even being a little overweight is bad for
your health. Restaurants can really help this problem by offering smaller-portion meals
by default. If a customer wants a larger portion, they should have to ask for
- More Sidewalks for Physical Fitness
- I find it strange that many people spend hundreds of dollars a year at indoor fitness
centers when one of the best and most enjoyable forms of exercise—walking—is often
overlooked. Perhaps this is no surprise as many newer subdivisions—even in small
towns like Dodgeville, Wisconsin—have no sidewalks. We need to design our
communities in such a way so as to actually encourage walking, and that includes
putting sidewalks (or asphalt paths) everywhere possible.
- Cities Should Maintain Sidewalks and Walking/Biking Trails
- Yet another example of our ridiculously autocentric society is that cities maintain
streets but almost always expect property owners to pay for and maintain sidewalks.
Since walking and biking should be considered viable (and important) forms of
transportation, cities should build and maintain sidewalks and trails, and that includes
snow removal.
- Flatbed Trailer Bicycle Carrier
- A lightweight aluminum two-wheel open frame flatbed trailer just big enough to mount
four bicycles needs to be developed to easily transport bicycles to and from your
favorite bike trails. This bicycle transporter would attach to any ball trailer hitch on
your car or van.
- Product Engineering Improvement Form
- Has anyone else noticed how the quality of many products we buy has been steadily
declining in recent years? Like me, I'm sure you often shake your head when using
something you bought, say to yourself, "What were they thinking?", and have a brilliant
idea for how to make it better. A website should be developed called something like where folks like you and me can fill out a web form detailing
company, product, and the improvement we'd like to see made. The sponsoring entity
would then forward this information along to the appropriate company for consideration
and hopefully a positive response. This would also be a good place to post positive
comments on outstanding products.
- FM Radio Stations That Play Whole Albums (er CDs)
- I feel really fortunate to have grown up listening to rock music during the 1960s and
1970s. My God, there was a lot of great music being produced during those few short
years! Too bad the oldies stations play only the hits. There is a lot of outstanding
music from that era that never made the top 40, and I'm talking about very accessible,
mainstream, listenable stuff. We need a few radio stations that play whole albums, or
at least an album side, not just a song or two that made it to the hit parade. Like the FM
stations used to do in the 60s and 70s. And one more thing. Why don't radio
stations nowadays announce the name of the song and the artist before and after each
song? I really miss that. And a lot of other things. Like the quality of the music.
- Hewlett-Packard Doesn't Make Calculators Like They Used To...
- The scientific RPN calculators that HP used to make were outstanding. Too bad they
don't make them anymore. I'm not looking forward to the day when my treasured 32S
quits working.
- Cellular Phone Service is Too Expensive!
- I'm tired of subsidizing cell phone junkies. Most of the time, my cell phone stays in my
car, turned off. About the only time I use it is when traveling far from home. I use 10 to
20 minutes a month, max. So why do I need a 400-minute plan? We often pay more for our cell
phone service than for our land line (if we have one) and high-speed internet combined. That's just not
right. I wish some progressive cellular phone company offered a plan with the following
- You are billed only for the minutes you use each month
- You receive a monthly statement for those charges
- Nationwide long distance—no roaming charges
- Plan is available to customers everywhere in the U.S. where cellular service is
available (like the good old days when there was one phone company)
- Variable Tint Car Windows
- Tinting may help keep your car cooler during the day, but at night there is no need for
tinted windows. It's even a safety concern, as tinted windows at night make it hard to
see what's behind you when you're backing up. The solution is to use variable tint glass
that allows you to control the amount of tint electronically from your dashboard. At
night or on stormy days, you could just turn the tint off.
- Weather Bands on Car Radios
- The National Weather Service weather bands should be included as standard
equipment on all AM/FM car radios.
- Car Audio Volume Equalizer
- A button on a car audio system (radio, CD, etc.) that will set the volume level to a nearly
constant (i.e. a little above and a little below the current) level. During quiet parts, the
volume level will be brought up and during loud parts the volume level will be brought
down. This will be particularly useful for those listening to classical music in a noisy
environment (e.g. the car), and will eliminate constant fiddling with the volume control
which is a dangerous distraction.
- Day/Night Setting for Outside Rear-View Mirror
- You have a night setting for your inside rear-view mirror that helps control headlight
glare, so why not have the same kind of control on your outside rear-view mirror? It is
the driver's side outside mirror where you are most likely to get blasted by headlights
behind you and in the adjacent lane.
- LED and/or Audio Indicator When Preset Speed is Exceeded
- There are many times when it is unsafe to use cruise control. As an alternative, why
not provide a top-dash LED indicator light and optionally an audio tone whenever your
preset speed is exceeded?
- Hand-Held Buffer to Clean Windshields, Windows
- Cleaning glass windows can be a real pain, so having a battery-powered hand-held buffer
that can help you do the job would be very handy.
- Tagging Socks
- Matching up socks after you've done the laundry can be difficult since the blues, browns,
and other colors often have subtle differences in hue that are difficult (or impossible) to
discern under normal interior lighting conditions. Sock manufacturers could make
matching easy by sewing a small serial number (five or six digits) using a
complementary color of thread into the base of the sock, or top of the sock, or on the
inside of the sock.
- Ave Maria
- The Leopold Stokowski version of Franz Schubert's Ave Maria, op. 52, no. 6 that
graces the end of Walt Disney's classic film Fantasia is an epiphany. The Philadelphia
Orchestra, conducted by Stokowski, along with chorus and soloist Julietta Novis, turn in a
performance that is outstandingly beautiful and moving. But by the time the soundtrack was digitally
remastered in 1990, the original 1940 recordings had deteriorated quite a lot, so the sound
quality leaves much to be desired. It would be wonderful if someone took on the project of
re-recording this piece exactly as it was written and performed in 1940!