A Cross Section - David Oesper
A Dimension of Hope - David Oesper
A dream within a dream within a dream - David Oesper
A Journey Alone - David Oesper
A Last Remembering - David Oesper
A Loose Mountain - Robert Frost
A man saw a ball of gold in the sky - Stephen Crane
A Note Has Fallen - David Oesper
A poem is a pen - David Oesper
A Spring Farewell - David Oesper
A teardrop falls - David Oesper
A Transitory Tale - David Oesper
After the Dazzle of Day - Walt Whitman
Alice, Point of Variation - David Oesper
And Your Youth Slips Away - David Oesper
Apostasy of the Urban Life - David Oesper
Backward, turn backward - Elizabeth Akers Allen
Beginning My Studies - Walt Whitman
Blessed Darkness - David Oesper
Brownian Emotion - David Oesper
Brutal, stupid giants - David Oesper
Camping Memories - James A. Autry
Church of the Open Sky - David Oesper
Conscientious Objector - Edna St. Vincent Millay
The Cross of Snow - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Divina Commedia [excerpt] - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Dream Variations - Langston Hughes
Each day goes by - David Oesper
The endless poetry of space - David Oesper
Falling in Love - David Oesper
For My Great-Great Grandson the Space Pioneer - Rhina Espaillat
The Freedom of the Moon - Robert Frost
Full Moon in June is Your Honeymoon - David Oesper
Go thy great way! - Emily Dickinson
Harzreise im Winter [excerpt] - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I came upon a tree - David Oesper
I Have to Believe - Amy Foster
I look upon the ground - David Oesper
I Loved You - Alexander Pushkin
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud - William Wordsworth
If I can stop one Heart from breaking - Emily Dickinson
If I Had Children - May Swenson
If Only For A While - David Oesper
I'm just a simple poet - David Oesper
Inamorata Supernal - David Oesper
The infinite shining heavens - Robert Louis Stevenson
Is it too late to touch you, Dear? - Emily Dickinson
It feels so nice to be a poet again - David Oesper
it may not always be so; and i say - E.E. Cummings
Lamentations of a Would-Be Astronomy Teacher - David Oesper
Life On a Cold, Slow World - David Oesper
Life stumbles on - David Oesper
The Literate Farmer and the Planet Venus - Robert Frost
Little birds of the night - Stephen Crane
loneliness is a solitude - David Oesper
love is a place - E.E. Cummings
The Milky Way Is Gone - David Oesper
The moon is bright, the night is dark - David Oesper
the moon is hiding in her hair - E.E. Cummings
Moonlight - William Shakespeare
Moonlight Near a Small Town - David Oesper
Morning is due to all - Emily Dickinson
Mother Nature's Sum - David Oesper
Moving On, Again - David Oesper
Music is language - David Oesper
My Billion Acres - W.C. (Bud) Shewmon
"Nature" is what we see - Emily Dickinson
The Night Has a Thousand Eyes - Francis Bourdillon
Night Thoughts While Travelling - Tu Fu
Night's Nothings Again - Carl Sandburg
No Labor-Saving Machine - Walt Whitman
Nothing from something - David Oesper
The Nurse of Nature is Night - Jerome Knuijt
The Oldest Tree on Earth: The Curse of Methuselah - Roger McGough
On the Beach at Night - Walt Whitman
On the Heart's Beginning to Cloud the Mind - Robert Frost
On Looking Up By Chance At The Constellations - Robert Frost
On the Uniformity and Perfection of Nature - Philip Freneau
Our Love Is Like That - David Oesper
Ozymandias - Percy Bysshe Shelley
pity this busy monster, manunkind - E.E. Cummings
Politics - William Butler Yeats
Promise and Peril - David Oesper
Reciprocity Failure - David Oesper
The Road Not Taken - Robert Frost
Science and Religion - David Oesper
The Sea of Crises - David Oesper
September Song - Maxwell Anderson / Kurt Weill
The shadow approaches - David Oesper
She Walks in Beauty - Lord Byron
Song of the Open Road - Ogden Nash
Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening - Robert Frost
Take Something Like a Star - Robert Frost
Tentative (First Model) Definitions of Poetry - Carl Sandburg
Tenured Professors All - Brian C. Felder
Terminus - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The things most worth - David Oesper
Thine Eyes Still Shined - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thinking about life - David Oesper
Thou Art Like A Flower - Carl Sandburg
Time and Eternity - David Oesper
To Know Silence Perfectly - Carl Sandburg
Uplands in May - Carl Sandburg
Variation on the Word Sleep - Margaret Atwood
What's the Point? - David Oesper
When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer - Walt Whitman
When Last We Talked - David Oesper
When You Are Old - William Butler Yeats
Where Did All the Stars Go? - David Oesper
While I'm With You - David Oesper
White Sands, New Mexico - Julie Marie Oesper
who knows if the moon's - E.E. Cummings
The World Is Too Much with Us - William Wordsworth
Yes, I Live Here - David Oesper